Holiday Camp Guide for Performing Arts & Dance Schools
Start your free course below
Learn how to copy our systems to run your own holiday camp in your country
(Our team can't work in your country due to visas or tax regulations, so we are offering out our processes to schools to copy our success and improve theatre education world-wide.)
The Holiday Camp Guide includes:
Detailed calendar of events to stay on track
15 hours of video guidance and staff training
All curriculum you'll need for a Theater holiday camp
Full access to our marketing templates
All management and instructional videos
Access to list of equipment required to run a camp
Skip to 08:55 minutes in the video above to see what your team will learn during the course
What The Holiday Camp Guide can do for your Performing Arts Schoo:
Holiday camps offer an excellent opportunity to attract new students and generate additional revenue for your school during the holiday season.
✅ Bring 15 - 20 new students to the school / company per week
✅ Create 4000$USD - 7000$USD profit from just 1 week of camp
✅ Organise and promote all camps within 25 hours TOTAL using our systems
There is no need for planning, we show you how to do everything

Why trust us?
We work in 32 cities in Europe to deliver our camps
Our theatre camps have a minimum of 30 students involved per week no matter the location, thanks to our marketing processes
We have run over 180 events across 6 counties since 2018. If you run just 1 holiday program event per year it would take you decade to gather the same amount of marketing data that we have test and know what works.
We are an OFSTED registered company in the UK - click the logo for proof. This means that we have the highest safeguarding processes for our curriculum and systems