NOTE FOR UK SCHOOLS: Full course will be released Sept 08. After signing up, you can return back here, log in & on Sept 08 and see all modules here. Coupon code UKVAT75 will expire on Sept 07. Hi, I'm Ben, the company director at the International British Theatre School. I've promoted over 300 weeks of holiday camps for our team and run over 45 weeks myself for our partner schools across the EU & UK since 2018. This course aims to share best practices on running in-house holiday camps to generate up to 70,000$ in additional revenue for your school and introduce 15 - 20 new students to the school per week of camp. This course can help schools who want to run - or are currently trying to run - their own holiday camp programmes; namely how to market and organise them correctly & efficiently. Holiday camps offer a great opportunity to freely market the school to prospective students, whilst bringing in profit & extra work paid for teachers who wish to work in the long summer breaks. Therefore, Camps act as a 'profitable extended open day' & outreach effort which the school can make to its local community. Consider implementing the lessons & strategies in this course for additional revenue and student engagement at your school, we guarentee that if you run your own camp using the marketing methods, pricing & curriculum in this course, that you will get a minimum of 24 students sign up per week of your camp at the very least. We typically we 32 - 56 students on our own summer camps which we run for private schools who outsource the work to us. Send us an email on info@britishtheatreschool.com if you have questions or use our chat bot on this website page and we will get back to you within a few hours. I look forward to hearing your feedback on the course. Kind regards, Ben Whiteside Company Director International British Theatre School