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Holiday Camp Guide for Schools

Are you under pressure from parents to organise a holiday camp at your school?

Are your In-house admin team over-worked or feeling unguided when organising your holiday program?

Or... are you getting low participant numbers of only 16 - 20 students per week?

Then take part in our Holiday Camp Guide for Private Schools!

Testimonials from schools we work with 👆

What we can do for your school:

​Holiday camps offer an excellent opportunity to attract new students and generate additional revenue for your school during the holiday season. The Holiday Camp Guide includes all curriculum you'll need for a theatre, sports or science camp!

​​​✅ Organise and promote all camps within 35 hours in total by copying our systems

​​​​​​✅ Bring 15 - 20 new students to the school per week

​​​✅ Create £4,000 - £7,000 profit from 1 week of camp

Our current partner schools we work with to deliver camps with our team:

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Why trust us with your holiday camps?

  • We work with 23 of some of the best private & International schools in Europe to deliver our camps

  • We have run over 180 events across 6 counties since 2018. If you run just 1 holiday program event per year it would take you decade to gather the same amount of marketing data that we have test and know what works.

  • We are an OFSTED registered company in the UK - click the logo for proof. This means that we have the highest safeguarding processes for our curriculum and systems

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See what our parents say ➡️

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Take a look at some of our current partners
Click the logo to visit their website.

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Holiday Camp Guide

Start it today for free

We will send it to you via email immediately.

Also check your spam / promotion inbox - the email can take up to 15 minutes to send!

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